Monday, 16 March 2015

The Neverending Meal Plan: food crisis (part 1)

The neverending meal plan is going great, the shopping fortnightly, not so much. 
We had the great privilege of practicing hospitality last weekend. We had a friend over on Friday, to whom I didn't want to serve leftovers, so I just skipped on to the next meal on our plan. Then on Saturday, we had friends over for afternoon tea and dinner, and we feasted on fruit and fresh salad rolls since it was right after our shopping day. On Sunday, I started cooking dinner before we had even eaten lunch because our friend had travelled a long way and we knew we wanted to invite him to stay for dinner. So by the time Monday rolled around, we had no fresh food and a week's worth of cooked leftovers.  
We made it to the end of the week on leftovers and carbs, with the occasional fruit offered by my wonderful in-laws. After a week of pretty much no fresh produce, I sat down discouraged and looked at my meal plan. We had been working through it at a crazy rate, I barely had time to change the magnets on the fridge. The thing is, it had pretty much saved the week. With people passing through faster than I could count, I would never have had time to sit down and consider what to cook. So if the meal plan wasn't the problem, what was?

Looking at the Marvellous Mr M searching the fridge for any stray pieces of fruit to snack on, I knew the answer. I was being far too stubborn about the "shopping fortnightly". Sure, we had enough food to eat. Sure, we were saving money and not wasting leftovers. But when we were finished a fortnight's meal plan and groceries several days before shopping day, was eating leftover rice and mashed potatoes really the best thing for our family? 

To be continued here...

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