Monday, 16 March 2015

The Neverending Meal Plan: food crisis (part 2)

Sure, we had enough food to eat. Sure, we were saving money and not wasting leftovers. But when we were finished a fortnight's meal plan and groceries several days before shopping day, was eating leftover rice and mashed potatoes really the best thing for our family? 

The Neverending Meal Plan: food crisis (part 1)

The neverending meal plan is going great, the shopping fortnightly, not so much. 

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Sneaky Ukulele Cheatsheet

If I hold any hope of convincing people I can actually play the ukulele anytime, anywhere, I'm gonna have to get creative, Amyzingly Creative. More likely than not, I'm also going to need to be just a little bit sneaky.

Monday, 2 March 2015

The Neverending Meal Plan

My magnetic meal planner solved the time sensitive problem of "What's for dinner?" Now it's time to plan even further ahead and bring down that weekly grocery bill!